People Get Ready

Posted on 20th August 2010

The Optimum YAPC Attendance

In my recent post about promoting YAPCs, Gabor picked on something regarding the optimum number of attendees. I think he makes a good point that for a conference like a YAPC, 300-400 attendees is a good number to aim for. Anything more and it can become a logistical nightmare for organisers. It also means that the conferences themselves can become a little more impersonal, when a major aim of YAPCs is to bring people together.

With bigger numbers attending, it creates problems for organisers, not only to accommadate the large numbers, but also the cost. Universities have been ideal in the past, as they are usually quiet out of term time, and can usually accommodate several hundred people for little outlay. However, looking for venues that can accommodate thousands, which typically means professional conference venues, needs special effort to cover the costs. Events like FOSDEM are now so well established that large corporate sponsors are willing to donate without much persuasion, but a dedicated language conference would struggle to get the same kind of support.

YAPC::Asia can cope with 500 attendees, but now regularly sells out because they just cannot accommodate any more in the venue they use. In North America and Europe most of the venues can usually cope with around 400 attendees. In Europe we generally see lower attendances due to travel and accommodation costs for personal attendance being too high for some, as we see a larger number of attendees paying for themselves. As a consequence it is unlikely we are going to see a dramatic increase in numbers unless Perl suddenly finds itself being the language of choice for many business, especially corporates.

I have attended large conferences in the past, and while there is a wide choice of talks and more people to meet, it can be a bit overwhelming. You don't always get the chance to talk to all the people you wanted to, and many that you might have common interests with remain unknown to you. At the YAPCs it's a lot easier to talk to everyone, and you also have a better chance of someone pointing out someone else who you really should talk to. Although there are usually a few people I forget to find and say hello to, on the whole I do get to chat to some new attendees, and occasionally they'll come an introduce themselves to me, which is always a bonus. The smaller conferences just seem more sociable, which gives more of a fun element about them, which in turn makes them feel a bit more inclusive.

I think we still have plenty of room to manoeuvre, as I doubt we'll see many 400+ attended YAPCs for NA or Europe, so there is still lots of promoting worth doing. It all has a side effect of promoting YAPCs, Workshops, Hackathons, Perl and the community in general, not just in NA and Europe, but around the world. If people can't attend a YAPC, then we should be trying to encourage them to find a more local Perl Workshop. Both YAPCs and Perl Workshops are a great way to introduce yourself to the community and for the community to bring the best out in you. Another 100 or so attending YAPCs would be fantastic, and I'm sure the Perl Workshops around the world would love to see another 30-50 people attending too.

But as stated previously, promotion is the key. If you don't tell people how great you thought a YAPC or Perl Workshop was, how will others know that they should be attending the next one?


YAPC::Asia has no accommodation

This may not be the point of this post, but just to clarify, YAPC::Asia has never provided accommodations for the attendees. The policy has always been "Book Your Own Hotel" or "Just Come From Your Home" :) Most of the attendees come from the great Tokyo area and they can easily come to the venue by public transport from their own home. People coming from other areas in Japan usually just book hotels around the venue or find their friends to stay with during the conference. The organizers also have put together a recommendation list of hotels on their website, and in the past some volunteers such as Dan Kogai or Pauley's provide their places to visitors, but that's a voluntary help. It might not be ideal for an international conference setup but that obviously drops stuff from the organizers worry list. I've seen the same policy in OSDC.TW - it seemd that most attendees came from the Taipei area.

Posted by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa on Monday, 24th January 2011

re: YAPC::Asia has no accommodation

When I said that YAPC::Asia cannot accommodate more in the venue, I was referring to the capacity of the venue of the conference, nothing to do with accommodation where people might sleep :) Both YAPC::Europe and YAPC::NA, and others I assume do not provide accommodation for attendees as such. Some are able to persuade hotels to provide discounts, but this is a bonus rather than expected.

Posted by Barbie on Friday, 28th January 2011

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