I Remember (Another Time)

We sat down to talk
In a small cafe, alone, in another time
And you held my hand
I raised a glass to us, for ever more

The music played
We danced a while, and then, we danced a little more
The times we spent
In that small cafe I know, I'll never forget
Oh I remember dreams of once before

Now as you drink the wine
Will you hear my words, again, of another time ?
You gave me faith
To place my trust in you, so what went wrong ?

We met and left
So many times, like the hands, upon a dial
And now I lie
With a broken heart, once true, from another time
Oh I remember dreams we had before

~~ interlude ~~

Now as you drink the wine
Will you hear my words, again, of another time ?
You gave me faith
To place my trust in you, so what went wrong ?

The music played
We danced a while and then, we danced a little more
The times we spent
In that small cafe I know, I'll never forget
I'll never forget...
I'll never forget...
I'll never forget

© Barbie 28 May 1986

Some Rights Reserved Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material of whatever nature created by Barbie and included in the Memories Of A Roadie website and any related pages, including the website's archives, is licensed under a Creative Commons by Attribution Non-Commercial License. If you wish to use material for commercial puposes, please contact me for further assistance regarding commercial licensing.