Dudley Castle & Zoo - 28th Oct 2008

In the morning we had glorious sunshine, so the plan of going to Dudley seemed quite a good idea at the time. By the time we got there it was a little overcast and a bit drizzly, but we figured it would blow over. Having paid quite a substantial amount of money for want amounts to an out-of-season visit, the rain started to get a little heavier. As it was lunch time we headed for food first, but afterwards it was still raining. We attempted to do some indoor activities, as much as we could, but the rain wasn't giving up. After a few hours of perseverance we admitted defeat and decided to walk back down to exit and the car. At this point the rain turned into snow! Had we known how the weather was going to turn, I doubt we'd have gone for a day out. The castle and the zoo themselves do look like they would be a good day out during better weather, but many of the animals were inside and trying to take photos in the rain is not the brightest of ideas when you have a decent camera.

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A misty wizard
Nicole holds a tarantula
those white blobs are snow!

All photos © 1998-2023 Barbie.
You are free to use these photos for all non-commercial purposes, using a Creative Commons by Attribution Non-Commercial License. If you wish to use any photo in commercial works, please please contact me to discuss commercial licensing.

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