YAPC::NA Chicago - 15th June 2008 - Early Birds

Before the conference there is the meetup. Initial pre-registration was in the dorms, where the Parrot Hackathon was also taking place. At about 5pm we assembled and headed off to the pre-conference dinner, which again was at Goose Island near Wrigley Field. Unfortunately my ability to use my camera was not as good as it could have been, and the photos I took mostly came out far too dark. I seem to be struggling a lot with darken or low-lit rooms these days. Dearly need a good DSLR.

If you are featured in any of my photos, and would like a larger resoluion image, please feel free to get in touch. In your request, please use the photo reference on the popup image, to help me identify which image(s) you require.

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All photos © 1998-2023 Barbie.
You are free to use these photos for all non-commercial purposes, using a Creative Commons by Attribution Non-Commercial License. If you wish to use any photo in commercial works, please please contact me to discuss commercial licensing.

Some Rights Reserved Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material of whatever nature created by Barbie and included in the Memories Of A Roadie website and any related pages, including the website's archives, is licensed under a Creative Commons by Attribution Non-Commercial License. If you wish to use material for commercial puposes, please contact me for further assistance regarding commercial licensing.